
It's a shame these things still happen and so little is done to stop this. Kneeling before every game and saying 'no to racism' is apparently not enough. Maybe just start suspending players and let the game be stopped. Automatic 3-0 win (in this case for Valencia) and maybe even deduction of points for the team of the player who is saying things like this will show players that they aren't just racist idiots, but also letting down their own team. My guess is that this will stop it pretty quickly.
Giving the team an automatic forfeit seems harsh, but it should be red card, massive fine, and lengthy suspension.
We support you Diakhaby! UEFA keeps touting "no room for racism" and yet this issue persists. Cala needs a fine and a suspension.
Stay strong my dude can’t believe there is still people insulting others with the “ color card”
Tienen nombres y números en las playeras no tiene por que usar adjetivos para dirigirse a alguien.
Nice agenda-driven post. Have a cry and stomp your feet some more ya flog.
Shut up your gay and I hate you
If I was accused of racially abusing someone, when I didn't, I would passionately deny it. This guy had regret written all over his face. It's so unfortunate that racism is still a thing in 2021. And to all you ignorant fucks who think otherwise, you're 100% a part of the problem.