
Ridiculously overrated
Im a Barca fan but myself as a fan of football would love nothing more then to see Postecoglou succeed at the highest because forget about his style of football for a minute, because i watched 2 documentaries about him and honestly the way he's worked his way up to evolve himself as a person and a manager both on and off the pitch is just remarkable like who would've thought 13-14 years ago that an Australian U20 manager who got sacked for not qualifying them in 2007 U20 WC, and then got absolutely slammed by pundits in Australia and were demanding for his resignation on the spot on live television, would then go on and write his name in the history books in Australias top flight by winning 2 consecutive domestic top flight titles, to then become the Australian National Team men's manager and manage to win their 1st Asian Cup ever in their history to then 5 and a half years later to manage Celtic then in his 1st full season and win them the double then in his 2nd full season and then winning them the domestic treble what a great story his managerial career is the emobdiment of what hardwork,never giving up and keep improving day by day at his own job means because he was criticised and already slammed by media before in Australia and then in Scottish and english media he was clowned even before he was at Celtic Park and look how it turned out again. Fantastic turnaround of an underdog who always had pelters coming his way but he faced those pelter by throwing each one of them back when he got up again. Im rooting for u Ange GO AND GET THEM!!