
Antony> all day every day. Bakayoko is so shit, 88 potential what a joke. 78/82 is fair, he has zero talent. Absolute horror to watch him play, makes me sick especially watching his highlights, Tilmann is shit but even better than this guy
I can't belive it like I know there are pace-reliant players but if you take his pace away hes actually a League 1 or 2 player
his dribbling isnt even that good as you said right after its his agility. He does the same thing but he's so agile. I'll give him that because being agile is actually a skill when you thin about it
a better Nicolas Pepe, thats all. will fail in the prem league. mark my words
trans shit flag and woke lmao demon
The new Engels
He'll definitely flop if he moves to a different league, he's just a pace merchant
Antony 2.0
should retire tbh
You forgot to mention that he didn’t mark Raspadori on the rebound.
Get the fuck out of the team if you aren’t willing to give 100% while you’re on the pitch. And I’m not even talking about that stupid ass foul that caused the penalty, it was dumb af, yeah, but it could’ve been anyone. I’m referring to him not even bothering to mark Raspadori on the rebound. Bro just let him go after causing the penalty. This was honestly embarrassing and for once I agree with Allegri.
Dumbo the Elephant, without the happy, go lucky, smile though. You can't smile when you're a black player of African descent in Northern-Europe. You have to have that ''white-society-wronged-me'' or ''not-smiling-is-cool-and-edgy'' look, as if you're blaming the society you live in for you being different and acting different. Look at his face, it screams ''I'm the victim here''.
He’s not good enough for BVB and I don’t think he will ever be.
He has insane PR, without his agent he would be playing in the scotish 3rd division 62/66
average libtard
Israel was never randomly attacking Palestine like the Hamas did on Oct 7th. The Hamas is constantly shooting rockets at Israel, not just since Oct 7th, it's just that the Iron Dome (israeli rocket defense) shoots down like 90% of the rockets because they are home-made and usually not that many at the same time. In addition they are very inaccurate (which doesn't matter for Hamas because it's an effective way of terrorizing israeli public and if they kill someone it's even better). Hamas uses the tunnels they have and the mediterranean sea to smuggle the material to make these rockets into Gaza. Most of it comes from Iran and goes through Iraq and Syria into Lebanon and then Palestine. So you never hear about it because it's just a common thing. There's even a mobile phone app in Israel that warns you about incoming rocket fire in your area. Hamas is shooting these rockets from civilian buildings like schools, hospitals, shops and that's also where they store their munitions, weapons, have command centers and entrances to their tunnels etc. They know that Israel won't bomb these places and that's why their most important infrastructure is there. The Hamas doesn't have things like army bases, they do all this in civilian infrastructure. Shortly after the start of the war and before the start of the ground invasion, there was this rather infamous incident in Gaza at al-Shifa hospital where one of Hamas own rockets hit the parking lot of said hospital. Hamas instantly claimed that it was an israeli rocket and that 5000 people were killed and the hospital was destroyed. A lot of media just adopted this information and spread it. 2 days later independent journalists that analysed cctv footage and other footage posted on social media by people who filmed the rocket fire from Gaza side completely debunked this and showed that it wasn't an IDF rocket nor was the hospital hit in any way. There's only a big crater in the parking lot and a ton of burned out and destroyed cars. It was one of the DIY rockets from Gaza that misfired and hit the parking lot. This is quite common and it's estimated that about 20% of the casualties in Gazta happen because of friendly fire. For the Hamas it's actually good that their own people die because they can blame Israel for it and media like al-jazeera share it to spread anti israel propaganda. Some big western media just adopted the story without actually checking what is true. To this day the hospital still stands just fine. What did happen tho was that when the IDF ground invasion reached al-Shifa hospital, they found a large tunnel network under the hospital that was used by Hamas. What Israel does with its rocket attacks is destroying these weapon stocks or Hamas command centers when they are not in vital infrastructure. They also don't randomly attack these without warning. They inform the palestinian public with calls and radio way ahead of time so that they can evacuate. That's why there are a ton of videos online where you can see the destruction of these buildings from multiple angles with decent cameras. The palestinians know what is coming and they can evacuate. What Hamas does is that they force palestinians sometimes at gunpoint to stay in the buildings because they say that these bomb warnings are just psychological warfare by Israel to scare palestinians. In turn causing the civilian casualties. Every dead palestinian is good for Hamas because they can then say "look israel is killing civilians again" There are also several videos of the IDF actually using noise grenades as sort of last warning that they will bomb a certain building. It's called roof knocking and you can find videos of it online. One of these grenades gets thrown on the target and its a massive explosion that doesn't do any damage but is very loud. Everyone knows to get the hell out of there then because in some minutes the building gets destroyed. Just go to Youtube and search for roof knocking. The first video by vocativ shows it pretty good. It's a common theme used by antisemites to deny Israel its right to defend itself when Hamas attacks them. Just how now people call the IDF ground invasion into Gaza a genocide while completely ignoring that before Hamas randomly killed 1200 and abducted 250 people in Israel. You also need to know about the demographics of Gaza. In Palestine ~50% of the people are under 18. Which technically makes them children. Most Hamas fighters are between 14-18 and don't wear any sort of uniform because Hamas doesn't have a conventional army. So when the IDF is killing Hamas soldiers and they are young, Hamas will just say that they shoot children. This is where the whole child mudering Israel myth comes from, together with medieval stereotypes about jews killing children for their blood. Hamas and a lot of antisemites are still stuck with these backwater stereotypes. But using them works for the clientel they try to appease with their propaganda.
The unprovoked killing of 1200 israeli civilians who are jews, muslims and christians by Hamas is not a genocide? The 2800 Quassam rockets fired from Gaza on 7th of October are not a genocidal act? Then I ask you: What is it? Liberation struggle? Fight for independence? Israel IN RESPONSE to a genocidal act then retaliating against Hamas so that this doesn't happen again is a genocide? To sum this up: Israel is not allowed to defend itself and eliminate the threat when its population gets massacred by a foreign terrorist organisation. Do I get that right? And do you realize how ridiculous you sound?
You probably have good intentions but this is VERY naive. You should read the founding charta of the Hamas (the party that rules in Gaza and is responsible for the current war). They want the extermination of all jews. It's their highest goal. Not just in Israel but in the world. If Israel won't end this now, it's only a matter of time until something like 7th of October happens again. There is no "let's make peace and live together" for these people.
Gonna be 80/80 in some years. Come back in 4 years, and I’ll happily be proven wrong.
90% African
Both players will not get higher rating than 83.
He right tho
I give him two, max 4 years. He will probably fail. Mentality issues...
Social justice warrior
Import the third world become the third world
Replacing Mahrez with Doku, reminds me of replacing dzeko with wilfred bony, huge downgrade
6 goals and 2 assists in Ligue 1 isn't a good look. Bro only started 13/38 games and didn't have any major injury issues last season. So that's £55m for someone who barely started at Rennes...
Fuck up Borat
Josh Cullen is a much better player and would be much cheaper than this guy… go to work Liverpool
Whats the funniest thing of this decade? 1.Speed opening FIFA pack 2.Watching Lakaka miss compilation 3.Humangasorous De Gea vs Maguire battle 4.Messi scoring the Tricycle kick For me i found the Speed pack opening Goated.. Dude literally carried the whole 2022 internet on his shoulders
im not wrong everyone knows this discount league for shit players isnt a serious competition
mid players
okok no one cares it was 20 years ago tell me few recent ones
they barely played in ur league dont steal credits
shouldnt have this rating until he is at least Serie B proven since in Pro League even Jelle Vossen was a phenomenon, what a joke of a league
He is mediocre! Hyped up by the Anderlecht fans, but still makes way to many defensive errors on an almost weekly base. Still young, but I don’t have the feeling he is actually improving. Personally, when I look at young belgian defenders, I would always prefer Koni De Winter over him.
He’s better than every single one of those players
Better than every other DM in the league
Atalanta are thanking their lucky stars they got rid of this guy when they could. One of several times they've screwed us.
Injury after Injury, at 29 he would be free agent or will be playing at Belgium or an exotic league
One of the most overrated players of all time.
Should get -1 overall
EA trying not to overrate young players in the Belgian Pro League challenge (Impossible)
Victor is great. he cares about the continuation of his people and culture in the future. Not to be replaced by migrants. Unlike Gary Lineker he's a man of great honourability and love for his own people and country.
Mid player, basically Ziyech but shitter. + he's Belgian so he has a low IQ and bad attitude
Never said I don’t rate De Bruyne. But you’re either a City fan (probably not, there aren’t many) or ten years old if you think he’s better than Modric. He’ll never reach the same heights.
This fat fuck should retire from real Madrid first. I hate the fact that he gave his best days for Chelsea and his worst for Real Madrid. I will forever try to deny the fact that this man played for Real Madrid
Respect to you guys for actually using (mostly) native players unlike a certain Frafrica
I guess his mom forgot to do the Voodoo this morning. This must have made Zlatan's day.
81/81 unironically
This game will never be forgotten, but honestly it's his fault. Great striker in terms of long term production but the dude is a serial choker. He usually doesn't have the technique and especially the intelligence and killer instinct to use his few chances or half-chances on big occasions. The chances he missed cause he wasn't expecting the ball to get to him are emblematic.
86 is a joke. He hasn't been a deadly striker in years. 82/82 at this point.
Worst team in history??
so shit