
Letteralmente tranne leao è migliore di ogni tuo giocatore offensivo lol
Brahim migliore di xavi s. attualmente è follia, poi io parlo di forma attuale, attualmente nella tua trequarti(non giocherebbe al posto di giroud solo perchè non è una punta.) spodesterebbe sicuramente messias salemerdak brahim adli cdk, non prendiamoci in giro dio cane
Allegri is ruining him
lol no prime Ibra isn't even top 3 Milan strikers ever. Gunnar Nordhal, Van Basten, Shevchenko
I see a lot of Morocco slander in this comment section due to their problematic outlook and fragmented sense of nationality, so as a Dutch/Portuguese guy who's experienced the heart of the problem I'd like to shine a little line on it. The problems Morocco has faced as a country are very much unique to their geographical and demographical situation. Remember, they're the first non-European country that the great conquering nations of Portugal and Spain ran into. We, as football fans still see pieces of it in todays teams. Players like Mehdi Carcela-Gonzalez and Mehdi Benatia show the hispanic influence. Casablanca literally means ‘White House’ in Spanish. The shared history are undeniable. First they had hundreds of years of wars between the Christian Spanish and Portuguese colonizers and their own Moor/Arab citizens and those cultural schisms made them linger between Islam and catholicism. After those colonial years they formed a country that consisted of partly highly civilized and highly educated "coastal" towns/cities and highly agrarian and autarkic mountainous communes of whom nobody ever needed to adapt to contemporary ways of a societal set up. This led to a cultural split between the cities and rural land. Then somewhere during the 20th century, out of nowhere, the people that lived far from the cities and near the Atlas mountain region (mostly known as ‘Berber’) became desirable in Europe due to their lack of education. They were low income workers for European countries that fueled Moroccos colonization. The big Moroccan cities were left with a perfect solution for their cultural divide as these western countries in need of cheap workers would try and spend development aid on their most uneducated and problematic minorities, while also finally providing a diplomatic/political safe space between Morocco and Europe by offshoring rural labourers (read, supplying precious colonizers needs). At the same time it severely diminished the cultural split among Moroccans. Nowadays though, those same rural people are down to their third generation of family members. They’ve never adapted to their country as they were deemed as a practical solution. Nowadays their grandkids are left with no strong cultural heritage, a different and not very well understood societal structure, and most problematically a lack of religion/sense of purpose or belonging. They are not considered Moroccans nor Europeans, because they never were part of a contemporary society in which individualism was a trait worth developing. They’re far from stupid however. And the fact that they feel like being treated as such makes them bitter and vengeful. I’ve personally met numerous smart, likable young Moroccans during high school and at least half of them got recruited by local criminals. It’s the main reason The Netherlands is a semi-Narco state nowadays. We, Dutch society as a whole, can’t see past differences in upbringing and are very naive when it comes to social control. Our individualism, hypocrisie and directness is the opposite of what most young struggling Moroccans trust. Not saying they’re not at fault, but the lack of societal awareness and education on this very subject is disturbing. We really are catalyzing a self-fulfilling prophecy. Ihattaren is merely a fractional example of the huge problems at hand in The Netherlands and my guess is that it’s not very dissimilar to other European countries ways of dealing with colonial consequences. I am not woke. I am not excusing poor/criminal behavior, but I what I do be, is also of mixed descent. I’ve experienced how easy it is to lose faith in yourself due to being different or atypical. You need a socially experienced and intelligent group of family/friends around to handle that. Hopefully this explains some of the problematic nature that surrounds Ihattaren and other problematic talents. Talent is important, but mentality is key.
Tbh he is hot af as well. Might have lost in football, but won in life
one-season wonders, trust me
Hertha will get relegated so no. And he identifies with Schalke and Hertha is a rival club so nope.
Always thought he looked like Taylor Lautner
Yes, yes you are lmao
Uber eats league stadpadder and ego merchant
Strikers maybe overall no
Realistic to Parma?
Actually really good IG for RTGs and stuff
average modern lb .. beast
Two very similar players already. Bernardo was David’s replacement.