
Should go to Euros
He can't be. He's no where near fat enough
also deserves high/high, he’s always in the attack
Created an account to tell every Benfica fan that hates on him to go fuck yourselves
12 mins vs spurs and I'm kinda scared of him, looks really agile.
We identified a great player in another country available on a cheap deal, who would fit our system. That’s called scouting.
He would get 30 a season playing at a proper team
76/88 at least. But it's EA, so yeah, 70/86 is fair :)
Blud only scores against clubs in farmer leagues like Premier League and Bundesliga. He would never score that many goals in a real league like our Tugão against defensive block as the likes of Vizela and Rio Ave.
Shouldn't join Leipzig imo .. they just signed Baumgartner
lately Danso and Veiga are very close to being bought by Napoli
Id love that but not sure if the 6th choice CB would be good for his development. 2nd loan at Burnley would be better
They'd rotate, but yeah pretty much. Gvardiol Dias Akanji as the primary back three Ake (Youth product maybe?) Walker as the secondary back three. 5 options
avatar Finally ! W Ronaldo
Screams a wolves signing
It is generally insane how people refuse to put KDB in that triplet of players though, may it's got something to do with the fact he plays for City I don't know.
Glad to see that people here recognize the quality player we got in Schär, he's genuinely been worldclass ever since Howe came in
In my opinion, I would change Felipe Anderson for Lobotka, other wise looks good
agree on some, disagree on some - two Gladbach players when they only got 10th in the league is strange, for example imo (biased, won't put Leipzig players in there)
90/90, 46 goals contribution in 51 games for a struggle Liverpool team
Best striker itw imo. Put him in a team like city and he'll give you 50 league goals
Yeah thats a good lineup that. People might moan about the fact 2 brentford players are there but mee is solid and raya has had a great season.
Still too high
Tudo muito bonito mas esqueceste-te de olhar para lá dos números. O Rafa quando chegou foi posto a jogar à direita, quando se destacou no Braga a jogar à esquerda. Saiu o Rui Vitória e ele foi posto à esquerda. Começou a render. Surpresa? Voltou JJ, voltou a ser encostado à direita para acomodar a tatuagem ambulante que era o Everton. Perdeu rendimento. Surpresa? Este ano está a jogar com mais liberdade para aparecer não só na sua posição natural, mas também pelo meio, mais perto da baliza. Se visses os jogos, verias que por acaso o melhor rendimento do Rafa coincide com a melhoria do jogo do Benfica. Agora que voltou de lesão e não tem jogado ao mesmo nível, a nossa qualidade de jogo baixou. Talvez seja coincidência. Tudo isto para dizer o quê? Parece que um jogador é inapto porque não se impôs logo quando chegou (há quase 7 anos, e tendo sido posto a jogar fora de posição). Tomara que tivéssemos um craque como o Arthur Gomes.
No, he was subbed in and was the hero in penalties
Special one
this is gonna be his season
Sole top scorer in the league after 9 games
and invest the money back to youth system for the next generation of huge talents !!
Played well yesterday, looks like he's evolving bc since he arrived he messed up so many games
has great potential but in recent years due to injuries and due to the fact that there was a goalkeeper who was better with his feet and more experienced meret played little and was disheartened. Now it is up to him if he , with more playtime, will be able to return to what he once was he is an excellent goalkeeper otherwise if he remains this while playing continuously he is a low-ranking team goalkeeper
Injured until September
Nobody will find me
He would play LW/RW or even CF since Lewandowski could leave if the right bid comes. Gnabry and Lewa are the forwards likely to leave.
He definitly does not deserve hate because he is a lovely person whos humble and really hard working. However, he kinda failed to make the difference for inter in many occasions. I think Inter fans have unrealistic expectations from him. So While he is a support striker who helps breaks opposite defense and set up chances, he lacks in finishing. So he is not a typical clinic finisher. Sometimes fans only care about goals and not the overall impact of a player.
there is no debate, it's just his way of living life and everyone should respect that.
I think he's ready for a bigger challenge
Someone commented on the Benfica page that he's the only player who can be the best and worst on the pitch at the same time and I swear I've never seen such an accurate description of him.
he leads by example motivates his teammates delivers in high pressure situations
Neste momento estamos á frente dos franceses não estamos??
Congratulations...3 teams in the champions league cmon let's surpass those French ******* in the rank and show them that plastic PSG won't be able to carry them forever
Algum sim, faz parte. Se bem que jogar com 10 durante 70 minutos, fora, contra uma equipa cheia de confiança que só precisa de 1 golo para empatar a eliminatória, e conseguir sair "vitorioso", tem o seu mérito. Ps:. Mas piço piço foi aquele fora de jogo tirado ao Famalicão.
Obrigado por rezares por nós, Doumbia!
U mad bro madueke was in grimaldos pocket all game
Without vlacho it would have ended 5-2
Good luck tonight guys! Of course I hope PSV wins, but I've been looking forward to this game since the start of the Champions League Play Offs. Both such great teams to watch this season. Lets see how much both teams changed since 2011!!
Leicester is in BIG6 Arsenal is out of BIG6
We have an "inside joke" at home that all our neighbors are shit and we are better than all of them. The only thing is we tell this "inside joke" at all neighborhood parties, especially if someone else is celebrating something, spray paint this "inside joke" on all neighborhood "walls" and cannot complete two sentence conversation with anyone without bringing up some version of this "inside joke". Now everybody hates us. Why? an englishman: They don't get it coz they are anglophobic
The amount of people who wouldn't start him for England with their reasoning being he's not as good as foden or grealish despite never actually watching him is shocking
Wouldve been cool to see him play for Benfica or something
James is 84 at best
this aged not really well
i feel he hasn't had the best season but the talent is there like with a few other city signings, they might not have the best first season but could really turn it up in their following ones not expecting him to be truly elite but will defo be more productive. Can see him replace Sterling more and more City basically are a squad full of these fine players none of whom are really "world class" but have genuine talent. It's the depth and competition for spots that makes the overall team really good. And players like Torres can find the time to prove themselves in the following seasons
These are forwards with 1000+ goal contributions each. There is no way to overrate them. Bad bait.
wish i could downvote downvotes.